How can you help turn LD 13 Blue?

We need your help to increase voter turnout for Democrats at our local level. All of the work in our district is done by volunteers. From our Executive Committee to our Precinct Commiteepersons, no one is paid to do this work. We cannot help advance Democratic values without a dedicated and passionate group of volunteers, so we’re happy you’re interested in supporting these efforts!

Volunteer Opportunities

Become one of our dedicated volunteers and make a difference. We always have lots of opportunities, so please check out the list below on ways you can help.

CanvassingCanvassers contact district residents in person. You will be provided a list of specific homes to visit. We always go out in teams of one driver and at least one walker! If you are the walker, you will be answering questions, informing potential voters about our candidates, ballot initiatives, and how to get involved.
Phone Banking Phone banking involves calling voters to speak with them about our candidates and issues. You can do this at a coordinated event, or from the comfort of your home, and are provided a script and a list of contacts.
Voter Registration This can be done at large gatherings or public spaces (example: outside of your local library or grocery store), or as part of a canvass. Voter Registration involves inviting eligible unregistered voters to join the democratic process and exercise their voices in selecting their representatives.
Office Support During the election season, the district opens an office for coordinating campaign activities. Office support can range from cleaning to putting together canvassing packets, setting up stations for volunteers, etc.
Event SupportAssist with event set up, attendee check in, post event clean up.
Host an Event Sign up to host an event for district fundraising efforts, candidates, or social gatherings.
Join a Committee We have several standing committees, and some form as needed. Learn more about committees on the Committees page.
Become a PCDo you want to take kick your volunteering up a notch? Be a District Precinct Committeeperson!
Skills Based Do you have a special skill that you would like to put to work? Maybe you’re a tech guru, or a lawyer, communications specialist — we could use your help!

If you are interested in volunteering, reach out to us and we will be in contact with you. If you’d like to be contacted via email about volunteer activities, sign up for our mailing list and select the “Get volunteer opportunity emails from us” option.